Options and Futures    A brief note on topology    Mesh
                             i     h  
                            / \   / \
                        h  /   \ /   \  b
                          +,    /    ,+
                         /  `-,/ \,-'  \
                        /     /`a'\     \
                     g +-----/--|--\-----+ c
                        \   /   |   \   /
                         \ /    |    \ / 
                         f      e       d      
This architecture, the famous `Petersen Graph', connects more nodes with a better worst-case behavior than the cube: reaching one after 0 hops (take, again, a), three after 1 hop (h, b, e), and six more after 2 hops (c, d, f, g, i, j); ten in total.  Again, the average hop-count is 1 1/2, but the worst case is only 2.