Help, I've fallen and I can't AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(e, CFSTR("AXParent"), &p)I require assistance. I can dress and feed myself. I don't wear glasses. My hearing is, if any, too acute; sometimes my right knee creaks, but not enough to keep me from climbing stairs What ails me is curiosity. Specifically, I would like to be able to write a program that traverses the user interface on my MacOS X.3 screen. And the only way to do that is by using an MacOS API that helps blind, hard-of-hearing, and users with cognitive or motor problems. When in my day job as a programmer a specific need comes up that my software can't fill, it's often good to broaden the specific need into something that makes sense to other people as well. What is it that they really want to do? How do they think about what they're doing? How else can one use the features they want? How it responds to such extraordinary, unforeseen needs often illuminates the structure of the software more than any use cases or demos. No, I am not disabled. This API is making me disabled by placing limits on what I can see and control. By saying "this is the way our software works for normal people." As if the world came organized in circles; in the inner circle is what's normal, and in order to include the ones on the outside, there's a special switch and a special menu and special function calls and special constants that people use when they write programs that assist their users. (Because, after all, that's totally different from what normal software does.) So, thanks for the Americans with Disabilities Act and similar laws, you advocates for the disabled out there. In addition to helping your main cause, you're also occasionally forcing big, arrogant companies to allow a little more light into their interface, from an angle. |
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