Enough Already.
Another look at Turing's Halting Problem. 

In my friend's particular sub-discipline of computer science, he explained the other day, there is a strong inverse relation between title and content. Inconsequential content has bombastic titles, while earth-shaking discoveries are wrapped in ridiculously detailed and geeky-sounding titles that only the most determined readers will penetrate.

What I explain below isn't all that earth-shaking. It's original in that it reflects my own thinking, but it is very unlikely to be new; much smarter people than me have thought about this and probably steamrolled right past it. Maybe, if you're a computer science undergrad and just learned about the halting problem, it'll take you one step past what your professors tell you.

If you recognize the train of thought and can give it a name ("Oh yeah, this is So-And-So-Chev's motivation of Fixpoint semantics"), drop me a note at jutta@pobox.com.

1. The Halting Problem

Alan Turing proposed the "halting problem", paraphrased:

Write a program that, given another program as input, determines whether that other program terminates.

He also proved that there is no general solution.

The proof is easy, if you know how to think about this kind of problem: If there were a halting-detector-program, one could write a program that invokes the halting-detector-program on itself (it would simply contain the halting-detector code), and then does the opposite of what the detector said it would do.

2. Programmer In A Box

Imagine that you, with all your smarts and your aptitude for algorithms and abstraction, have found employment as a halting detector, sitting in the software equivalent of a lemonade stand with a sign.

Apologies to the Charles Schulz.

Some program is submitted. You read the program code, and soon come upon the part where it uses a halting detector - yup, there's your exact duplicate over there, waiting to get called and think exactly what you're thinking now.

You completely understand what's going on. (And so will your duplicate.) The program will take your answer, and then do the opposite. You don't have to understand how you yourself actually work; all you have to do is recognize yourself and know that whatever you end up doing, the program then will do the opposite.

What answer are you going to give? What is the program's behavior?

3. An Even Easier Version, Or Is It?

There is a related problem that at first seems simpler, but isn't. In this problem, the program that's submitted for your judgement doesn't do the opposite of what you say it does; it does exactly what you say it does. If you say it terminates, it terminates. If you say it goes off into a corner and plays with itself, well, that's what it does.

Again, how do you decide which answer to give? What is the program's behavior?

4. Wrong Domain

Seen like this, the halting problem is not really about computability, or about understanding what a program does. Our programmer in a box completely understands what the input program does. (There are programs that are hard, or perhaps impossible, to understand - I nominate the troff source code - but this isn't one of them!)

The reason the halting problem is unsolvable for the weird program Turing proposes is that the halting problem asks the wrong question. It limits the set of answers to "terminates" or "does not terminate", and doesn't allow for answers like "it does the opposite of what I'm going to say it does" or "it does what I'm going to say it does".

The old result space was too small in the same way that real numbers are too small for "what's the square root of X" - there are negative X, and their roots are going to require complex numbers to represent. That doesn't mean that the square root function is impossible to compute!

When making statements about systems that the statements are part of, we need to allow for a larger vocabulary!

The question we should have asked is this:

Write a program that, given another program as input, prints a shorter description of what, given its own output, the other program will do.

For simple programs, the answer to the new halting problem is still "terminates" or "does not terminate" - same as before; just like there are functions over variables that just throw that variable away (e.g., f(x) = 2).

For complicated programs that contain the halting-detector, the halting-detector no longer has to deal with the philosophical problem of being in a feedback loop with itself; all it needs to do is describe what the feedback loop does, relative to the halting-detector's outcome.

5. The opposite of the opposite

The new results of the new halting detector in the two example cases are "the opposite of this" and "the same as this".

In both cases, their values are not computable in terms of a specific outcome - termination or non-termination. But they do accurately describe the underlying program's behavior in a short, clear, symbolic way.

It's interesting to think about what other operations one can do with these values. We do know that the opposite of "the opposite of this" is "the opposite of this", and that the same as "the same as this" is "the same as this"; in fact, any such result, applied to itself, will have to be itself - otherwise the halting detector would be lying.

Where else can we do with this? Is this good for anything? You tell me. (And then I'll, likely as not, do the opposite.)

Halting problem

Dec 11, 2004,

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